Tag Archive for: class openings

What Is TTouch & How Can It Help My Dog?

ttouch large

Join us this Saturday for a one-session class where you can learn the basics of TTouch. Fearful & reactive dogs are welcome! (You and your dog can be behind a privacy screen so they aren’t overwhelmed or distracted.)

TTouch involves gentle body work, movement exercises, and body wraps. Through these techniques you can relax the mind of an anxious, fearful, or reactive dog and ease the aches and pains of a senior dog.  (These techniques also work for your feline friends!)

While there are TTouch practicioners that you can hire to work on your animal — much like we humans go to a massage therapist to loosen up! — coming to a TTouch class allows you to learn the techniques yourself so you can work with your dog anytime.

One of the neat things about TTouch is that it helps the dog’s mind come back to center and focus in the moment. Want a practical example of TTouch’s effects? It’s especially useful for dogs who get car sick. The non-driving human sits with the dog and uses TTouch to keep the dog focused on the touches, rather than the nauseating motion of the vehicle. Pretty cool, right?

Here’s a video from Tellington TTouch with an overview of TTouch:

Sign up for Saturday’s class while there’s still room!

Got a Pet Peeve About Your Dog’s Behavior?

“He’s a great dog 95% of the time. There’s just this one thing… and it drives me crazy!”

Sound familiar?


Dog Improv is for you!

If you’ve already got the basics down, but you’d like to work on some specific skills that your dog lacks, Dog Improv is your class!

In Dog Improv, you will let our instructor know what you’d like to learn and she will design exercises specifically for you and your dog.

You could work on:

  • Firming up the basics (sit, down, wait, stay, etc.)
  • Loose-leash walking
  • Drop it / Leave it
  • Ending counter-surfing and/or garbage picking
  • Control and focus
  • Tricks (sit pretty, roll over, etc.)
  • …or anything else you want to learn!

Dog Improv will take place on Thursdays from 10:30 am – 11:30 am starting on November 14. If you’d like to request a different day or time for Dog Improv, please let us know on our Contact page and we’ll make a note of your request for future scheduling.