Technical Difficulties
If you’re having technical difficulties registering in our system (DogBizPro), here are some helpful hints:
- If you are using an iPad or other mobile device, please try using a computer or laptop before contacting us. That often solves the problem.
- Detailed, step-by-step instructions for registering and signing up for a class can be found here in printer-friendly format.
- Make sure that you fill out both “human” and “dog” information. That is where people most often go wrong.
- If you need to change info on your account, log into your account at Then, click on the big green tab labeled My Info. You can now edit all of your information, including your email address. If you click on Dogs, you can edit your dog’s info too.
- To update your dog’s vaccines, click on, and then click on Log-In in the upper right corner. Log into your account. Next, click on the “Dogs” tab and click on those 3 vertical dots to the left of your dog’s name. Those dots are hiding a pop-up icon. Click on that icon. Scroll down to the Vaccine section and click on “add more” on the right hand side.
- We are using Blue Pay for payments.
To pay your invoice, you will see three green vertical dots to the left of an invoice. That is actually a symbol for hidden icons. If you click on those dots (or put your cursor over the dots, depending on what kind of computer you have), icons will appear. Click on the one that is a dollar symbol.You can pay with a credit or debit card.
- Now you’re good! We’ll see you in class soon.