Tag Archive for: socialization

Overcoming Your Dog’s Distractions

distractionsYour dog may perform actions like Sit, Down, or Shake at home or at your training school, but does his ability to do those things go out the window when you’re outside?

Distractions come in many forms. They are most difficult to overcome when they occur in clusters. Rarely is your dog faced with one distraction at a time.

In this article from our Newsletter Archives, read about the dozens of distractions your dog faces when you are out in public.

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Related Classes at Your Dog’s Friend

If your dog could use some practice working with distractions, we have several classes that are helpful.

  • Advanced Manners (strengthens basic skills and adds pair cues – “leave it!” and “come!”)
  • Out & About (outdoor obedience skills)
  • COME: “Oh, did you mean me?” (recall skills)
  • Distracted Dog Class (building focus skills)
  • Reactive Dog Class (for dogs who bark & lunge at other dogs)

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